Monday, 13 September 2010

Welome Post

Welcome to my blog, my name is Isaac. I'm in a Secondary school in Hong Kong.
          I made this blog with my ICT teacher in the ICT room. I made this blog because I want to share my fabulous work I have done in secondary school career and how I have improved. I am going to post all of my work to my blog and some educational videos and games.


  1. Isaac, this is a good start for your welcome message. Do you think you can tell me more about how the blog might help your learning? Also, as this is school work you need to write formally: make proper use of spaces, capitals, punctuation and paragraphs. For instance, you should combine the first and second lines into a single paragraph.

    Remember, you also need to include some writing from last week's homework where you use case studies to illustrate how people can get into trouble because of blogging. Then explain how you will avoid this happening to you. We will discuss this in class this week.

  2. Nicely chosen background, remember to embed the label widget! Very interesting video. Good job!

  3. This is very detailed and if I was a reader I would understand why you have this blog few gramer mistakes though
